
Auf dieser Seite finden Sie meine Veröffentlichungen inklusive Abstracts.


Clauß, T. (2014), Zuliefererkooperationen – Formen Zielsetzungen und Governancemechanismen, Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden, ISBN 978-3-658-06112-8.

Zusammenfassung - DZuliefererkooperationen gewinnen in Unternehmenspraxis und wissenschaftlicher Forschung weiterhin an Bedeutung. Aufgrund der interdisziplinären Relevanz sowie der daraus resultierenden vielfältigen theoretischen Perspektiven gibt es jedoch bislang noch kein einheitliches Verständnis für Begrifflichkeiten und Managementansätze. Thomas Clauß nimmt eine umfassende begriffliche Einordnung der Zuliefererkooperation vor. Zudem werden zwei grundsätzliche Zielsetzungen vertikaler Kooperationen (Effizienz- und Effektivitätsziele) pragmatisch voneinander abgegrenzt. Die Erreichung dieser Ziele erfordert den Umgang mit interorganisationalen Dysfunktionalitäten wie Opportunismus oder mangelnder Koordination von gemeinsamen Aktivitäten. Die damit im Zusammenhang stehenden transaktionalen und relationalen Governancemechanismen werden beschrieben und in Bezug auf die Leistungsfähigkeit der Zusammenarbeit bewertet.

Clauß, T. (2013), Strategische Zusammenarbeit mit Zulieferern: Empirische Befunde zur Governance im Kontext von Zielsetzung und Beziehung, Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden, DOI 10.1007/978-3-658-02190-0_2.

Zusammenfassung – Das Buch untersucht strategische Potenziale alternativer Governancemechanismen für die Zusammenarbeit von Abnehmern und Zulieferern. Es wird gezeigt, dass transaktionale, relationale und plurale Governanceformen unterschiedliche Beiträge zur kooperativen Zielerreichung leisten und dass die Wahl der Governance unter Berücksichtigung der Beziehung zwischen den Partnern zu treffen ist. Die kontextspezifische Wirkung der Governance wird über mehrere Branchen empirisch analysiert und in konkrete Gestaltungsmaßnahmen für das strategische Zulieferermanagement überführt. Das Bcuh enthält insbesondere die folgenden Teiluntersuchungen: 1) Bibliometrische Analyse des Standes der vertikalen Kooperationsforschung  2) Theoretische Fundierung der Governance vertikaler Kooperationen 3) Testung der Wirkung von Governance auf Zielsetzungen der Zusammenarbeit 4) Bildung einer Taxonomie von Geschäftsbeziehungen als Kontext der Governance 5) Testung eines ganzheitlichen Wirkungsmodells der Governance im Kontext der Beziehung.

Beiträge in referierten Fachzeitschriften

Clauß, T., Laudien, S. M., Daxböck, B. (2014), Service-dominant Logic and the Business Model Concept: Toward Conceptual Integration, International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management, Vol. 18, No. 4, S. 266-288.

Abstract - Companies are recently affected by an ongoing change of customer behaviour. Customers are no longer solely interested in product offerings but call for a provision of service solutions that accompany these offerings. This development forces companies to rethink their basic business logic by paying more attention to the crucial service aspect. This change goes along with a need for companies to redefine their idea of how to create and capture value. Against this background, we ask: How does an increased focus on service influence a company’s business model? We examine this question based on the service-dominant logic concept as well as the business model concept and discuss possibilities how to adapt the business model to a service-dominant business logic. As a result, we develop a set of propositions describing the influence of a company’s service-dominant business logic on basic elements of a company’s business model. Our research shows that a fundamental re-design of the business model is necessary to successfully implement service-dominant logic.

Schneider, S., Spieth, P. and Clauss, T. (2013), Business model innovation in the aviation industry, International Journal of Product Development, Vol. 18, Nos. 3/4, S. 286–310.

Abstract - In response to changing sources of value creation, business model innovation has recently emerged as a concept that allows dealing with volatile environments. Focusing on the aviation industry, we aim at enhancing the understanding of drivers, elements and forms of business model innovation. We use an inductive, theory-building design that allows patterns of business model innovation to come to light across multiple case studies of maintenance repair and overhaul (MRO) companies in the aviation industry. In line with prior theory, we find that a range of supply and demand-driven effects trigger the need for business model innovation in the aviation sector. We identify aircraft manufacturer market characteristics and structural airline industry characteristics as drivers of MRO business model innovation. New MRO value offerings and MRO value creation were set as constituting elements of innovating MRO business models resulting in customer benefit-oriented and value co-creation-oriented business model innovation.

Clauß, T. (2012), The influence of the type of relationship on the generation of innovations in buyer-supplier collaboration, Creativity and Innovation Management Journal,Vol.  21,  Issue 4, S.  388–411.

Abstract - Recent research pointed at the potential of buyer-supplier collaborations for joint innovation generation. However, studies reveal mixed results. Since multiple contingency factors influence the results of cooperation, this study analyzes different relationship patterns as a context for joint innovation generation and problem solving. A comprehensive model of buyer-supplier relationships is conceptualized drawing on social psychology literature. Based on a sample of 250 small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) from the German machinery construction sector, buyer-supplier relationships are empirically classified into four distinct types. These then are related to the innovation outcomes. The results indicate that a relational context fosters joint innovation generation and problem solving. Interestingly, a high degree of formalization if it is legitimated can lead to innovation as well. Sporadic superficial interactions as well as interactions dominated by tension hinder joint innovation generation, though. The results help  managers to consider the potential innovative outcomes when making decisions about supplier cooperation.

Clauß, T., Teichert, T., Staupe, P. (2010), Suchmaschinennutzung als Prädiktor der Produktnachfrage – Eine Längsschnittanalyse auf Basis von Daten aus Google Insights for Search, transfer – Werbeforschung & Praxis, Vol. 4, S. 6-20.  

Der Beitrag wurde von der Deutschen Werbewissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (DWG) und der Österreichischen Werbewissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft (WWG) als bester Forschungsbeitrag 2010 in der transfer – Werbeforschung & Praxis augezeichnet.

Abstract – Die vorliegende Studie untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen der Online-Informationsbeschaffung durch Konsumenten und dem Kauf. Ausgehend von der Hypothese, dass die Abfragehäufigkeit in Internetsuchmaschinen einen Prädiktor der Nachfrage darstellt, wird eine Längsschnittanalyse am Beispiel des deutschen Fahrzeugmarktes berechnet. Es werden Suchhäufigkeiten aus Google Insights for Search verwendet. Anhand dieser kann der vermutete Zusammenhang empirisch bestätigt werden. Zusätzlich werden Moderationseffekte der Markenreputation auf die Online-Suchphase beim Konsumenten überprüft. Diese zeigen, dass eine hohe Markenreputation mit einer kürzeren Online-Suchphase einhergeht, während eine niedrige Markenreputation eine extensive Nutzung des Internets indiziert.


Schneider, S., Spieth, P., Clauß, T. (2011), Service-Oriented Business Model Innovation in the Aviation Industry, In: Huizingh, K., Torkkeli, S., Conn, M., Bitran, I. (eds.), Proceedings of the XXII ISPIM Conference, Lappeenranta University of Technology Press, Lapeenranta.

Vorträge auf wissenschaftlichen Konferenzen

Clauß, T. Lehmann, C. Bouncken, R.B.(2014), It’s all about value: types of business model innovations in the German electronic industry, Wissenschaftlichen Tagung der Erich-Gutenberg-Arbeitsgemeinschaft Köln e.V. zum Thema „Business Model Innovation and Transformation“, Nürnberg, 10.-11.09.2014.
Kesting, T., Clauß, T. (2014), The impacts of governance mechanisms and knowledge conversion on university-business collaboration performance, VHB-TIE Jahrestagung 2014, München, Oktober 2014.

Abstract - University-business collaboration (UBC) bears considerable chances for both organisation types: While universities may particularly benefit from additional external funds and knowledge derivable from such inter-organisational collaboration, businesses can rely on external research and innovation generation support, ranging from the acquisition of new knowledge and technologies in general to concrete new product and process development. Given that UBC is successful, i.e. mutually beneficial for both actors, it may be renewed and develop towards long-term linkages. Our paper focuses on governance mechanisms in UBC in form of knowledge and technology transfer (KTT) activities. With respect to the degree of knowledge conversion, these activities can be divided into three categories, namely (1) knowledge combination, (2) learning and (3) co-poiesis. Following this categorisation, we conducted a study among German professors which analysed UBC performance by combining central issues of transactional and relational governance with the dimensions of knowledge conversion. The results reveal a positive influence of relational governance and a negative influence of transactional governance on knowledge conversion in UBC. With regard to the impact of knowledge conversion on UBC performance, our results indicate the necessity of a more differentiated view on knowledge-performance relations.

Clauß, T., Hock, M. (2014), The Effect of Strategic Agility on Business Model Innovation, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, USA, August 2014.

Abstract – In recent years business model innovation was identified as a fruitful way to increase competitive advantage for firms and thus received a great attention from practitioners and academic researchers. However, most of the existing studies focused on definition and conceptualization of the concept. Recent literature reviews called for more research on the enablers of companies to be able to react to changing environmental conditions and adapt business models continuously. We address this research gap theoretically and empirically. We Based on dynamic capability theory, we identify the three dimensions of strategic agility, namely strategic sensitivity, leadership unity and resource fluidity as enablers of business model change and firm performance. Our theoretical model is tested based on survey data of 150 SMEs in the electronics industry. Our study empirically proves that strategic agility can foster business model innovation. Further, it is shown that business model innovation indeed leads to a higher firm performance.

Clauß, T., Döppe, S. (2014), Why Do Urban Travelers Select Different Travel Modes? – A Repertory Grid Analysis, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, USA, August 2014.

Abstract - The increasing number of travellers in urban areas led to new opportunities for local government and private mobility providers to offer new travel modes besides and in addition to traditional ones. However, until now the underlying reasons why consumers chose specific alternatives are not fully understood. Hence, the design of new travel modes is mainly driven by obvious criteria like environmental friendliness, convenience etc. but might not consider consumers latent needs. To close this research gap sixty in-depth interviews with urban travellers were conducted. To identify the mental differences among different travel modes, repertory grid technique as an innovative, structured interview method is applied. Our data show that urban travellers distinguish and select travel alternatives based on 28 mental. While some attributes associated with private cars like privacy, flexibility and autonomy are key indicators of travel mode choice, also costs and time efficiency also play a major role. Furthermore, by comparing modes to an ideal category, we reveal that some attributes do not need to be maximized in order to fulfil customer needs optimally. A thorough comparison of consumers mental assessments of travel alternatives identifies specific advantages and disadvantages of either alternative and provides fruitful implications for government and private mobility providers.

Bouncken, R. B., Pesch, R., Ratzmann, M., Clauß, T. (2014), The Muscle of Co-poiesis: Firm Performance in Alliances by Governance of Knowledge Conversion, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2014, Philadelphia, USA, August 2014.

Abstract – This paper provides insights on firms’ short and long term performance effects through knowledge conversion and their governance in alliances by studying 1114 firms in non-equity alliances. Our categorization of three forms of knowledge conversion (inlearning, knowledge combination, and co-poiesis) shows different influences on firm performance that is affected by three important governance mechanisms, namely contract complexity, trust, and power imbalance. Beyond the classical learning from the partner (inlearning) and the more recently discussed concept of knowledge combination, we introduce and model co-poiesis as the mutual development of new knowledge among firms in the alliance that shows strong effects on innovation as well as short term and long term competitive performance.

Clauß, T. Hock. M. (2014), Business Model Innovation: Investigating Enablers and  Performance Effects, 14th EURAM Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 2014.

Abstract – Drawing on the theory of dynamic capabilities and current research on business model innovation, this empirical analysis builds a bridge between strategic agility and business model innovation. We hypothesize that specific capabilities of strategic agility enable firms to adapt to environmental changes by creating innovative business models. By doing so, positive effects on firm performance are expected. We test our model empirically on a sample of 150 German mid-sized companies with PLS structural equation modelling. We find that strategic agility is significant and positively related to innovations in two dimensions of the business model: value proposition and value creation. Finally, we find evidence that value proposition innovation and value creation innovation are means to increase firm performance.

Clauß, T., Döppe, S. (2013), Consumers’ Perceptual Determinants of Acceptance of Innovative Multimodal Mobility Solutions, 6th ISPIM Innovation Symposium 2013, Melbourne, Australia, 8.– 11.12.2013.

Abstract - A significant increase of travellers in urban areas leads to requirements and opportunities for policy makers and mobility providers to offer innovative mobility solutions. While reasons for customers to choose between private and public transfer has been researched, the perceptual mental models of consumers regarding traditional and innovative multimodal mobility options are not yet understood. We close this research gap through conducting a repertory grid analysis of perceptual determinants of travel mode choice. Sixty in-depth interviews with urban travellers revealed 28 perceptual constructs related to six distinct categories. Since attributes closely related to private cars like privacy, flexibility and autonomy are key indicators of travel mode choice; costs and time efficiency also play a major role. Our study provides businesses and policy makers with specific design requirements for new multimodal travel modes.

Clauß, T. (2013), Plural Governance of Vertical Alliances: Considering Antecedences and Consequences, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2013, Lake Buena Vista, USA (FL), 9.– 13.08.2013.

Abstract – Vertical alliances between suppliers and buyers are recognized as a potential source of strategic advantage. Their success however depends on the appropriate mode of transactional and/or relational governance. Antecedents and consequences of these governance mechanisms are yet not fully understood. We address this research gap and develop a causal effects model between power, governance and innovation performance in vertical alliances. Buyers’ coercive and
expert power is introduced as a determinant of alliance governance. Governance mode is then related to performance in terms of products and process innovations. The model is tested using structural equation modeling on a sample of 250 supplier firms. Results show that buyers’ coercive power strengthens the extent of transactional governance, but lowers the inclination for relational governance. In contrast, buyers´ expert power stimulates plural governance which encompasses both types of governance simultaneously. Whereas product innovation is supported by either governance mode of a vertical alliance, process innovation is stipulated solely by plural governance. Findings thus illustrate the need for as well as the possibility of a plural governance of vertical alliances.

Clauss, T., Laudien, S. M. (2013), Service Reputation as a Trigger of Customer Integration into Value Co-creation Processes, Naples Forum on Service 2013, Lacco Armeno/Ischia, Italy,  18.06. – 21.06.2013.
Clauss, T., Laudien, S. M. (2013), Service-dominant Logic and Business Model Concepts: Fostering a Shotgun Wedding, Naples Forum on Service 2013, Lacco Armeno/Ischia, Italy, 18.06. – 21.06.2013.
Bouncken, R. B., Clauß, T., Spieth, P., Teichert, T. (2012), Operational Efficiency versus Innovation Effectiveness in Supply Chain Configurations, PICMET 2013 Conference, San Jose, USA, 28.07. – 01.08.2013.

Abstract – A long dispute exists about how to best coordinate innovation in supply chain configurations. While formal specifications enhance the operational efficiency of interorganizational collaboration along the supply chain, they seem detrimental when pursuing more far reaching innovations. Coordination by soft relational factors may strengthen the strategic effectiveness of interorganizational  collaboration while reducing its operational efficiency of day‐to‐day operations. We conclude that innovation strategy of suppliers is preset by coordination mechanism imposed by the OEM. We investigate the causal effects of the configuration of interorganizational coordination mechanisms on the efficiency and effectiveness of supply‐chain collaboration and on suppliers´ strategic innovation orientation based on a survey of 100 suppliers in the aviation industry. After eliminating supplier companies operating on a workbench‐basis only, we find that formal coordination enhances efficiency but decreases innovation orientation. In contrast, a relational coordination slightly decreases operational efficiency but substantially enhances strategic innovation orientation. Product customization is triggered by both formal and relational coordination, however without impact on the long‐term innovation orientation of the supplier. As a consequence, we postulate the need to strategically set up collaborations between OEM and suppliers in order to ensure a long‐term flow of innovations.

Teichert, T., Clauß, T., Rachko, A. (2012), Incentivation of the “right” academics for participation in industry clusters, DRUID Society Conference 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19.-21.06.2012.

Abstract – This paper examines the motivating potentials inherent in different configuration parameters of regional cluster initiatives. We argue that specific settings of regional industrial cluster policies suit for the involvement of the “right” academic researcher. Whilst some parameters might just motivate for a short-term engagement or low contributions, we search for those to stimulate highly ambiguous experts on a long-term perspective. By combining previous work on cluster policies and university-industry relationships with acknowledged theories from decision sciences, we develop differentiated hypotheses about the motivational forces of particular cluster design factors. We utilize Conjoint Measurement based on scenario descriptions of fictitious cluster structures to measure the particular motivating potentials inherent in the cluster parameters. To allow for contingency analysis, we include the number and quality of individual research publications and long-term cooperation orientation as covariates. Our study is based on a survey among 104 professors in Germany from the disciplines of engineering and physics. We calculate relative propensity score for participation in different policies for diverse groups of academics. We show that research funding is a main incentive for an academic researcher to participate in an industry cluster. Furthermore, congruence with the own research focus and reputation stimulate the participation propensity. Spatial distance is perceived negatively. Overall, the study shows, that academic researchers are highly driven by extrinsic motives and less by their intrinsic research interests when it comes to cooperation with industry clusters.

Clauß. T., Schneider, S., Lauber, A. (2012), Business model innovations in changing industries: Exploring the concept at example of the shift from manufacturing to service in the aviation industry, 12th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 06.-08.06.2012.

Abstract – Changes in industry structures from the demand and the supply side require companies to continuously realign their business models. Business model innovation emerged as a management concept to adapt the value creation processes and hence the value proposition of businesses to changing needs. Since this concept is not thoroughly explored in the literature our papers aims to improve the understanding of drivers, elements and consequences of business model innovation. We used an inductive, theory-building case study design to identify patterns of service-oriented business model innovation at example of the airline industry. This industry is of particular relevance because many companies changed the core business function from manufacturing to service. We find a range of supply and demand driven effects that cause the need for business model innovation. Customer benefit orientation determines successful differentiation. Value co-creation is found to be depending on achieving beneficiary results for all partners and the customer. From our findings a comprehensive framework for further research on business model innovation is derived.

Clauß, T., Milinski, B. L., Teichert, T. (2012), Aligning Governance Mechanism to Power Conditions in Supply-Chain Relationships, Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2012, Boston, USA (MA), 03.-07.08.2012.

Abstract – Buyer-suppliers relationships are widely acknowledged as a source of joint efficiency and effectiveness. Their success however depends on the appropriate utilization of transactional and relational governance by the buyer. Antecedents and consequences of these generic governance mechanisms are yet not fully understood. We address this research gap and develop a causal effects model between power, governance, long-term commitment and performance in supplychain settings. Different sources of power are introduced as antecedences of governance mechanism. Relational and transactional governance are then each related to long-term commitment and performance. Hereby, we combine Transaction Cost Theory and Relational View to develop our hypotheses. The model is tested using structural equation modeling on a sample of 250 firms. Results show that the suppliers’ perception of buyers’ coercive power strengthens the potential to initiate transactional governance, but lowers the inclination for relational strategies. Non-coercive power sources provide a basis for both types of governance. Transactional and relational governance in turn have a positive effect on long term commitment and performance of the supply-chain relationship. Depending on the power type which underlies the supplychain relationship, the one or the other governance strategy will be the pathway to success.

Clauß, T., Teichert, T. (2011), Supplier Personality: Definition and Measurement of a New Construct for Assessing Buyer-Supplier Relationships, Strategic Management Society Conference 2011, Miami, USA (FL), 06.-09.11.2011.

Abstract – Characteristics associated with a potential supplier have a direct impact on the perception of his capabilities and the supplier selection decision by a buyer. Existing literature on the measurement of the firms’ subjective characteristics disregards the impact of the relationship on the personality assessment by a business buyer. Therefore we introduce the novel construct of supplier personality. Due to uncertainty and complexity of cooperation decisions with suppliers, purchasing managers will make sense of cues from the environment to guide strategic decision making and cooperation activities. These cues cover perceptions and expectations about the traits of (potential) partners. Grounded in Personal Construct Theory we argue that purchasing managers categorize suppliers by specific personality traits. By conducting interviews with purchasing managers using Repertory Grid Technique we reveal the buyers’ underlying cognitive constructs regarding real suppliers personalities. We find that several personality dimensions differ substantially between types of suppliers: Suppliers who provide creative solutions exhibit a personality profile consisting of preferred traits like helpfulness or flexibility. In contrary, arms-length partners often lack strategic traits as competence, responsibility or ambiguousness. To avoid falling into a group of substitutable partners, suppliers need to become supportive, exclusive and organized. Recommendations are provided both for OEMs and their suppliers.

Schneider, S., Spieth, P., Clauß, T. (2011), Service-Oriented Business Model Innovation in the Aviation Industry, XXII International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM) Conference, Hamburg, Germany, 11.-15.06.2011.

Abstract – Business model innovation as a response to changing sources of value creation recently emerged as a concept to face dynamic and volatile environments. In this paper, we aim at enhancing the understanding of drivers, elements and consequences of business model innovation in an aviation context. We used an inductive, theory-building design that surfaced patterns in service-oriented business model innovation across multiple case studies of MRO companies in the airline industry. We find that in alignment with prior theory, a range of supply and demand driven effects cause the need for business model innovation. As suggested by consumer theory, consumer benefit orientation determines successful differentiation. Value co-creation is found to be depending on achieving beneficiary results for all partners and the customer. Based on the derived findings, we propose a cause-and-effect framework of drivers and elements of business model innovation in an aviation context.

Spieth, P., Clauß, T., Landsperger, J. (2011), Managing Innovation Networks in the Engineering Industry: Moderating Effects of Spatial Proximity, DRUID Society Conference 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, 15.-17.06.2011.

Abstract – Our research aims at a further development of the interaction oriented network approach. Empirical evidence supports the positive effect of the innovation networks’ balanced management, social interaction as well as network stability on network retention. It materializes for the proposed four management functions within innovation networks. Furthermore, we pay special attention to the moderating effect of spatial proximity. We specified the conceptual framework as a structural equation model. Based on a sample of 79 respondents we found diverging results between national and international innovation networks.

Clauß, T. (2011), Contextual Patterns of Innovative Behavior in Buyer-Supplier Partnerships , 11th European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, 01.-04.06.2011.

Abstract - Innovative behavior can be seen as a major source of the innovation success of firms. Thus it has been of high interest in recent research. Studies can be divided into those that seek for levers to influence the behavior and those that investigate the nature of innovative behavior based on individual characteristics. Holistic approaches combine situational and personal characteristics into complex causal models. While context plays an important role for the explanation of innovative behavior no research has been undertaken regarding the context in inter-organizational settings. I fill this gap by conceptualizing a comprehensive model of context in inter-organizational co-creation rooted in a social psychology view of the relationship. Based on a sample of 157 small and mid-sized companies from the German machine construction sector, I classify typical contextual patterns empirically into taxonomy of context for innovative behavior. I further relate these to innovativeness and problem solving as indicators of innovative behavior. The results indicate that a relational context of co-creation fosters innovativeness and problem solving equally. Interestingly a high degree of formalization if legitimated as well can lead to highly innovative behavior. Further sporadic superficial interactions as well as interactions dominated by tension hinder innovative behavior. The results help managers to consider innovative behavior while making decisions on cooperation strategy and thus influence context for innovation.

Clauß, T., Spieth, P. (2011), Heterogene Zulieferbeziehungen in der Luftfahrtindustrie: Eine empirische Untersuchung von Koordinationsmechanismen, operativen Gestaltungsmerkmalen des Supply-Chain-Managements und Innovationsstrategie (Heterogenious supplier relationships in the aviation industry: An empirical analysis of coordination mechanisms, operational parameters of supply chain management and innovation strategy), WK ORG Workshop 2011, Berlin, Germany, 23.-25.02. 2011.

Abstract – Die vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt erstmals, dass der Einsatz unterschiedlicher Koordinationsmechanismen von Flugzeugherstellern die operativen Supply-Chain-Ziele von Flugzeugzulieferern beeinflusst und auf deren Innovationsstrategie wirkt. Es wird Heterogenität in der Zuliefererstruktur unterstellt und mittels Extrahierung latenter Klassen bestätigt. Insgesamt können sieben von zwölf Hypothesen auf Basis transaktionskostentheoretischer Erkenntnisse wechselseitig appliziert und anhand von 94 Datensätzen empirisch bestätigt werden.

Clauß, T. (2010), Supplier Value Integration – A Behavioral Analysis, TIE-Nachwuchsworkshop (workshop for young academics), Kiel, 03.11.2010.

Teichert, T., Clauß, T. (2009), Motivational Factors of Professors for Participation in Local Cluster Initiatives, 16th International Product Development Conference, Twente, Netherlands, 7.-9.06.2009.

Abstract – Based on the assumption that the innovative potential of local cluster initiatives relies significantly on the engagement of academics, this paper examines the motivating potentials inherent in different configuration parameters of local cluster initiatives. We argue that specific settings of regional industrial cluster policies suit for an involvement of the “right” professors from academia. Whilst some parameters might just motivate for a short term engagement or low contributions, we search for those to stimulate the highly ambiguous experts on a long term perspective. Therefore we place the topic into a context of current issues to narrow the problem situation. A short introduction into underlying theories as well as former work what has been done in that field leads to research levers and lays the groundwork for the upcoming study. Through a combination of previous work on cluster policies and university-industry relationships with acknowledged theories form decision sciences we develop a differentiated hypothesis framework on the motivational forces of particular cluster design factors. Due to the multitude of characterizing aspects as well as highly subjective interpretations of different academics we use Conjoint-Measurement based on scenario descriptions of fictitious cluster structures. Our study bases on a large scale survey of 102 professors in Germany from the disciplines of mechanical engineering and physics. By means of additional personal covariates like number and quality of publications, gender etc. we retrieve a propensity score participation in different policies for diverse groups of academics. Our managerial implications directly enable policymakers to design future clusters in a way that maximizes the willingness of the “right” professors to participate.

Sonstige Vorträge

Clauß, T. (2011), Conjoint Analyse- Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Vorgehensweisen, Methodenschulung im Rahmen des doktorandenkolloquiums des Strascheg Institute for Innovation and Enterpreneurship (SIIE), European Business School (EBS), Oestrich-Winkel, 08.07.2010.
Clauß, T. (2010), Verfahren der Dimensionsreduktion und Segmentierung, Methodenschulung im Rahmen des doktorandenkolloquiums des Strascheg Institute for Innovation and Enterpreneurship (SIIE), European Business School (EBS), Oestrich-Winkel, 09.11.2010.

Persönlicher Transfer

Clauß, T. (2012), Neue Geschäftsmodelle in der Hafencity, Fernsehinterview bei Hamburg 1 im Rahmen der Sendung: „Betrifft Hamburg: Hafencity“, im Internet:, Hamburg, 09.01.2013.
Teichert, T., Averdung, A., Clauß, T. (2011), Der Apothekenbeitrag zur AMTS: servicedominante Logiken in der Arzneimittelversorgung, Gesamtworkshop der Initiative Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit im Rahmen der intersektoralen Versorgung, Hamburg, 10.05.2011.
Teichert, T., Averdung, A., Clauß, T. (2011), AMTS durch servicedominante Logiken in der Arzneimittelversorgung, Einzelworkshop der Arbeitsgruppe AMTS durch service-dominante Logiken in der Arzneimittelversorgung der Initiative Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit im Rahmen der intersektoralen Versorgung, Hamburg, 07.04.2011.
Teichert, T., Clauß, T. (2011): Systeminnovationen – Phänomene und Anforderungen für die Gesundheitswirtschaft, Gesamtworkshop der Initiative Arzneimitteltherapiesicherheit im Rahmen der intersektoralen Versorgung, Hamburg, 20.01.2011.
Expertenmeinung für: Wörrle, J. (2010) Für Neuheiten werben – Handwerksbetriebe haben eine große Innovationsfähigkeit , Deutsche Handwerkszeitung, im Internet: